All the temporary workers are supposed to keep track of the hours that they work.
them their those they 중에 하나 넣는 자리라서 they를 넣었는데
뭔가 석연치가 않아서요.
the hours를 꾸며주는 관계대명사인거 같은데...that다음에 완전한 문장 아니에요? work가 자동사니까요..
그럼 명사절that이라고 의심을 해봐도 될거 같은데 해석을 하면 이상해요..
선생님 깔짝지근한게 시원치가 않네요.
A thorough retest of the contested ingredient, which was rumored to have fatal effects
on the human body, revealed that it is reliable.
contested가 해석이 안되요. 사전에도 이상한 뜻만 나와서 그 뜻을 대입하면
해석이 안되요. 어떻게 해석해야하죠?
I hope your summer is going well. Do you remember when my fifst novel..............?
Well, for the past few days they've been expressing an interest in shortening the story and publishing it as part of their new collection of short stories.
a. will be published
b. was published
c. had been published
d. will publish
b가 답인데요.제가 보기엔 C도 될거 같은데...왜 안되는 거죠?